Nouveau conseil d’administration 2022-2004
Voici le nouveau conseil d'administration de votre association. Félicitations aux [...]
Voici le nouveau conseil d'administration de votre association. Félicitations aux [...]
It will be held on October 1st, face-to-face in Quebec [...]
Remember that if you want to consult our publications "Levasseur [...]
Members of the Levasseur and Carmel Families Association, In view [...]
Click on this link to access to this newsletter
2021 Annual ZOOM meeting, September 19, at 10:00 AM (EST) [...]
Levasseur & Carmel - June 2021 Newsletter Follow this link: [...]
Hello. Here is the link that will allow you to [...]
Members of the Levasseur Association of America Due to the [...]
René-Nicolas LEVASSEUR, Master Ship Builder of Her Majesty's Ships 1707 [...]