Goals and mission

The Association, Levasseur d’Amérique Inc. is a non-profit organization, founded in 1988, in accordance to a federal charter. Its goals are:

  • To join together and unite a large number of Levasseur and other descendants who have adopted the patronymic Borgia, Carmel, Carmell, Vasseur, Vassor, Vasser.
  • To organize meetings and gatherings that reinforce links between the members of the great Levasseur family.
  • To promote, develop and diffuse historical genealogical knowledge about the Levasseur families with Internet, an electronic Newsletter published three times per year also the publication of genealogical dictionaries.
  • To maintain and update, on an ongoing basis, the genealogical data base available to members at all times on the Internet.
  • To make available to members a family photo album and the Newsletters that the Association has published since 1988.
  • To honor the memory of our forefathers and their descendants by way of monuments, plaques or symbolic gestures that commemorate historic events related to the Levasseur family.
  • To gather all documents related to the Levasseur family for the purpose of constructing archives that will constitute the heritage or our Association and that will provide a source of information for historians and genealogists.

Your Association:

Your Association is managed by a board of directors made up of official members who offer their services voluntarily and who come from various regions in North America. (Québec, Ontario, Maritimes and New England).  Official members of the Association come from all parts of Canada but (40%) come from the United States. Our executive meets two to three times per year to discuss mainly future meetings, publications for our members and genealogy.

L’Association des Levasseur d’Amérique is also a member of the “Fédération des associations de familles du Québec” (www.fafq.org).