Photo albums of Levasseur families

“Hundreds of old photographs are grouped in dozens of photo albums”

Albums de photos anciennes de familles LevasseurIn this section of our website, we have grouped together genealogical data, photos and old documents that were given to us by people who have Levasseur ancestors in their families,

We invite you to send us your old photos for publication on the website. Visit the website in the “Your Files” section to send us your photos with short descriptions. In a summary description of the contents of these albums on our website, we will be indicating the Levasseur ancestor to who these photos are related either, (Laurent or Pierre).

Also, for the subscriber, we will be publishing the five generations that preceded him/her. To access the documents in the photo album section, please follow this link and click on the link “Albums” at the bottom on the right of this text. You will then find a menu, as shown on the right of this text..

For now, this section of old photos is reserved for members. You can become a member by clicking on this link. Your access codes will be sent to you quickly by email.