The Levasseur and Carmel families

We welcome you to the Levasseur Association of America inc. website. It includes several historical documents with historical content concerning the ancestors Jean, Pierre and Laurent Levasseur who arrived in New France in the 17th century. You will also find a lot of information on about the association, its objectives, the various activities undetaken and the gatherings that have been held everywhere where there are Levasseur families. In order to receive our publications and newsletters free of charge on a regular basis,  simply click on this link.  You can unsubscribe at any time.

Our members in good standing can also access a second website, dedicated to the distribution of genealogical databases, obitus records, photo albums and many other additional information. Members can access it by clicking on this link: For any information on the association, its activities, contact us.

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France Levasseur-Ouimet was awarded

11 November, 2024|

France Levasseur-Ouimet was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award for her involvement in the preservation and enhancement of the Francophonie in Alberta. The singer, composer and choir director in Edmonton, Marie-Josée Ouimet, reflects on the commitment [...]

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