Our ancestors throughout history
- 1535 French explorer Jacques Cartier discovers Canada.
- 1608 Samuel de Champlain, founder of Québec.
- 1617 Louis Hébert is the first farmer to establish himself in Quebec. His farm is where the Latin quarters are presently located.
- 1635 Foundation of the Jesuit College in Québec.
- 1639 The arrival of the Ursulines and the Augustines Sisters in Québec.
- 1651 Jean Levasseur returns with his wife. He is a Master Carpenter.
- 1654 Arrival of Pierre Levasseur (1627-1694) to Québec. He is a Master Carpenter.
- 1663 Arrival of Laurent Levasseur, (1648-1726).He is hired by Guillemette Hébert during six years. Laurent is only 14 when he arrives to Canada.
- 1663 Jean Levasseur is named bailiff of the Sovereign Council.
- 1663 Mgr François de Laval is the founder of the Québec seminary.
- 1666 On the 1666 census, Laurent Levasseur is listed as being hired by Guillemette Hébert. He is 18 years old.
- 1669 Laurent Levasseur rents a home on Côte de Lauzon. He marries two months later.
- 1681 On the 1681 census, Jean Levasseur is with the Royal provost ship of Quebec. He is the bailiff.
- 1681 According to the 1681 census, Pierre Levasseur lives in the Haute-Ville de Québec.
- 1681 On the 1681 census, Laurent Levasseur lives on the Côte de Lauzon.
- 1685 Inauguration of the first palace of the intendant.
- 1686 Death of Jean Levasseur.
- 1694 Death of Pierre Levasseur at l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec.
- 1726 Death of Laurent Levasseur.
- 1759 Battle of the Plaines of Abraham. England defeats France. Death of the Captains, Wolfe and Montcalm.
- 1834 Destruction by fire of the Château Saint-Louis, governors’ residence.
- 1852 Foundation of Laval University, first French University in America.
- 1871 Departure of the last British troops in Québec.
- 1877-1886 Construction of the present Parliament.
- 1893 Inauguration of the Château Frontenac.
- 1943-1944 Winston Churchill, Prime-Minister of Great Britain and Franklin D. Roosevelt, president of the United States participate at the Québec Conferences.
- 1985 Quebec historical surrounding is listed as UNESCO’s World Heritage site.
- 2008 400th anniversary of the foundation of Québec.