Album-Photos – J.A. Gaston Ouellet

J.A. Gaston Ouellet (grandson of Alphonse Levasseur & Odina Boucher) – Main ancestor: Laurent Levasseur (Marie Marchand)

Summary description: Text by Mr. Gaston Ouellet: “Alphonse Levasseur and Odina Boucher are the parents of my maternal grandmother, Marie-Eugénie Levasseur, wife of William Ouellet., therefore, my great-grandparents. I am the son of their daughter Yvette. (Alphonse Ouellet). “When my family and I lived in Rimouski in the 60s-70s-80s we regularly rubbed shoulders with our uncle Cyrice Levasseur, Claude and Mimie. ” Note from Jean-Pierre Levasseur (webmestre): Thanks to Mr. Ouellet for all these photos. We have our great-grandparents in common. I found unpublished photos that I had never seen.

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