
I am pleased to invite you to the launch of my seventh book on popular art in Quebec. Through this book you will discover Florent Veilleux, who, with his works, has revolutionized the field of art. After having made a career as a singer in Europe for 18 years, he returned to Quebec to create for 35 years works where fantasy and madness coexist with his rebelling bebels and his creations that unravel us. Florent Veilleux takes us to another world, of light, poetry and the unpublished.

Widely illustrated, like my other volumes, the latter of 230 pages, pays tribute to man and his Work. On this occasion, the Florent Veilleux exhibition will be unveiled in a large 40×40′ room dedicated only to his work. An appointment:

Wednesday, June 05, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. – Centre d’art populaire du Québec – 276 Desjardins St, Plaisance, QC, J0V 1S0

Click on this link to access a map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/TF3g5dc4xFKZEfDDA
Also don’t forget to visit the website of our member, Mr. Adrien Levasseur:https://www.maisonartpopulaire.ca/