General meeting of the members
of the Levasseur Association of America

Saturday September 14, 2019 at 9:35 at the Travelodge Hotel,

Quebec City located at 3125 boulevard Hochelaga, Quebec

Agenda (PDF version)Québec 2019 Gathering Program


  1. Adoption of the agenda and appointment of a Secretary
  2. Reading and approval of the minutes of the last general meeting of August 25, 2018, at the Hotel and suites, the Dolphin of Drummondville.
  3. Appointment of a Secretary by the President, Vice-president and Secretary.
  4. Appointment of a financial reviewer
  5. President’s report, Roger Levasseur
  6. Treasurer’s report, Pauline Carmel
  7. Genealogist’s report, Joceline Levasseur
  8. Membership’s report and discussion of status (comparing July 2018/2019), Gilles Carmel et Roger Levasseur
  9. Newletter, Editor’s report, Jean-Pierre et Roger Levasseur
  10. Webmaster’s report, Jean-Pierre Levasseur
  11. Report on Facebook, Carmen Trottier
  12. Report on FAFQ (Federation of Quebec Families’ Associaion), Huguette Levasseur
  13. Other topics
  14. Move to call end of meeting